Feb 16, 2011

Why? Why? Why?

This has been a couple of very bad weeks here in the Tucker household.  I honestly don't know what's happened to cause such anger and other things to happen...  What I do know is that I really can't take much more of the thing's that are going on.  Every time we try it all just gets blown back in our faces and that hurts me and other's more than you could imagine.  It makes me want to just try anymore.  Therefore I as Why why why?!?  There so much more to be concerned about and the drama you get thrown at you isn't worth it.  Why on earth can't I just have a drama free life for heaven's sake.  If it's not this its that.  Have this person mad for this and that person mad for that.  I can't win for nothing and I sware it is driving me insane. I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE!!!